Tear Open Your Cocoon

Nimisha Godhwani
4 min readMar 6, 2021

We live in cocoons, we tell ourselves stories about this cocoon, we think we can’t get out. We tell ourselves lies about the cocoon, and they feel like the truth because they’ve been repeated so many times.

We can tear open the cocoon anytime if we want to. We can learn to fly.

We can become owners of our spirit.

We either live as Owners or Victims

At any given time, we are either owners of our own spirit or victims of circumstances. Owners reinvent themselves time and again while victims shrink themselves down.

After Mel Gibson’s son is kidnapped in the movie Ransom, he goes along with the kidnapper’s demands initially, but he soon refuses to go along and switches to being an owner when he says “If they took my son because they thought I would respond by giving them all this money, then I am the problem.” In that moment he owned the problem and became the solution.

Victims think power is beyond their control and often self-victimize. Owners, on the other hand, take full responsibility for their energy They don’t look for outside sources to boost their motivation.

However, self-victimization is just a habit and can be replaced easily.

Tap into Your spirit

Oliver Wensell Holmes said, “Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.” He is right. This is because they’ve never heard that music. They don’t even know it exists.

You can tap into the spirit in yourself, any time you want, it’s always there. When you see the spirit in someone else, think of how you bring it out in yourself.

Start talking to yourself and start thinking about your spirit. Thinking is how the soul talks to itself. And you can set yourself free by talking to yourself positively about your capabilities and saying “I can do it.”

We usually say, “I could never do that.” We say negative affirmations that deepen the illusion of our mediocre cocoon. You can set yourself free in the way you talk to yourself about your greatness.


Our spirit is nothing but a flame inside us waiting eagerly for a pump to bring oxygen in. We think outside conditions activate this pump, but only we have that power. We can pump the spirit anytime we want, anywhere we want.

Why do you think people always ask us to take a deep breath when we are stressed out? Deep breaths dilute fear and relax the body. They focus the mind and expand thinking, feeding the spirit.

“Inspire” simply means to “Breathe In.”

Power of the Human Spirit

Humans are very powerful. Multiple personalities are perhaps one of the most striking examples of the power of the human spirit. We can be anybody we want. We just don’t know it.

For example, when we hold a baby, what happens to us? Our voice changes, our expression changes, and our vocabulary changes in a weird wat. If we can do it in these small ways, we can do it in the big ways!

Remember, you are many people. With time and practice, you can be whoever you want to be.

The Cocoon of our Permanent Personality

Our personality freezes us in a secure place that we created a long time ago. This permanent personality was shaped by various types of fear: fear of embarrassment, fear of appearing uncool, or fear of appearing phony. If you want to expand who you are and be more alive than yesterday, you have to be true- true to yourself, true to your potential, and true to your spirit.

Our spirit wants to fly, not die inside the lonely cocoon you consider your permanent personality.

Once you start loosening the grip you have on your permanent personality, you will realize you can be anyone you want- who you want to be will be more important than who you are.



Nimisha Godhwani

Freelance Content Writer | SEO | Pitch Deck Designer | Blogger | Technical Writer | UX Writer | Copywriter |